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Effective application of the sub-level open stope mining methodology

About this event

Join us as we look at the recent geological exploration results across the world; large scale, high grade deposits are becoming increasingly scarce. This has forced exploration campaigns to pivot from defining outcropping surface structures to searching for deposits at depth. The capital intensity and complex geological conditions forces an increased focus on the mining methodology selection and ongoing operational performance of the asset.

Celebrating MEC’s recent expansion into underground hard rock mining services, our next webinar will focus on the effective application of sub-level open stope mining.

MEC’s Principal Mining Engineer Alessandro Dotta will discuss: the geological and geotechnical selection criteria for sub-level open stope mining and variations which may arise from concept plan to reality. In addition to this, he will outline the associated productivity expectations of the mining method and some of the technical challenges which exist during the execution planning process.

We hope you will take away an improved understanding of the fundamentals as well as some of the technical and operational challenges which arise with sub-level open stope mining. Our goal is to help you successfully move your asset lower on the cost curve or from a concept into reality!

We will cover
  • Sub-level open stope mining method applications
    • Ore type and orebody selection
    • Bulk mining method
    • Shape and size
    • Host-rock and orebody geotechnical strength and structure
  • Mining method performance
    • Planned and unplanned Dilution
    • Targeted Grades
    • Productivity
    • Cycle times
  • Implementation, from concept to reality
    • Understanding the in-field ground conditions vs theoretical ground conditions
    • Variations in ground support and pillar design
    • Drill and Blast challenges
    • Flexibility of Mining Sequence
  • Technical Challenges
    • Optimised Drill and Blast Performance (PF vs Drill Pattern)
    • Level Extraction Planning,
    • Paste fill process – variable cementation process
    • Geotechnical Risks

Alessandro Dotta – Principal Mining Engineer/Underground Metals Lead at MEC

MEC’s principal underground mining engineer Alessandro Dotta offers 15 years of experience in the industry. Dotta’s expertise provide support to our clients for underground metals operations and projects to help problem-solve as they adapt in the changing landscape.

He has an arsenal of qualifications and plenty of experience, having worked on underground metals operations widely in Australia and overseas and most recently as principal mining engineer with GEMS, Australia, where he delivered strong results in a wide array of challenging situations.

Highly skilled and armed with a raft of experience across commodities, mining methods and software, his expertises in cross-functional team integrations and optimum safety compliance solidify his effectiveness. Alessandro’s work ethic and practice strongly reflect the way we work at MEC. His experience and problem-solving approach mean that he will complement our already diverse and strong team.