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Motion Metrics - Global Operations


Motion Metrics


Motion Metrics


Lorem Ipsum


MEC has partnered with Motion Metrics to help develop and understand the business improvement opportunities that can be exploited by utilising the motion metrics ecosystem of vehicle, stand-mounted, and process installed units. The hardware, network-integrated via the bespoke AI cloud-based technology, is utilised across the production cycle for tracking material size and characteristic issues. MEC was commissioned by Motion Metrics to identify further opportunities for this technology beyond its original intended purpose. MEC found significant advantages in refining and tracking particle distributions and material characteristics across the site to get step-change improvements in throughput from the dig-face to mill output. MEC used data analytics to optimise dig rates, material tracking for reduced rehandle, payload maximisation and carry back reduction, crusher optimisation, mill-rate and ball dosing and significant cost benefits found in the regrind or HPGR risk management and throughput maximisations. The project successfully demonstrated the strength of MEC’s ability to seek out latent value by exploiting new technologies, delivering significant cost and emissions improvements.


XPAC Model Consolidation


Anglo American




MEC oversaw the consolidation of XPAC models for three underground operations. This included transitioning and consolidating mining equipment, production, and scheduling into an optimized XPAC model. 

The project deliverables included production assumptions, XPAC models, sensitivity analysis, and asset optimisation.