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Mineral Resource Estimation

Experienced MRE consultants

MEC boasts extensive experience in Mineral Resource Estimation (MRE). Our consultants are qualified across a variety of commodities and mineralisation styles, with a proven track record in both Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve estimation.

Our consultants excel in several key areas, including data management, QA/QC analysis and protocols, geological interpretation and 3D geology modelling, geostatistics, Mineral Resource estimation and classification, and adherence to international reporting standards, such as the JORC Code and NI 43-101.

Our team is proficient in handling a wide range of commodities, including manganese, iron, vanadium, precious metals, platinum group elements, Rare Earth Elements (REE), copper, zinc, tin, cobalt, and nickel.

We are proud members of professional bodies, including Fellow of AusIMM, Member of AusIMM, and Member of AIG.

MRE Service Offering

  • Mining and exploration data management
  • QA/QC analysis and protocols
  • 3D geological modelling, manual and implicit
  • Classical statistical analysis to determine distributions, for exhaustive and mineralised populations
  • Geostatistical analysis, including variography, pairwise variograms, indicator variograms, and correlograms for MRE interpolation, and to optimise drill pattern designs.
  • MRE audits
  • Fatal flaw studies
  • Mineral Resource classification using geostatistical tools followed by manual tidy-up
  • Mineral Resource estimation; the MRE interpolation methodology may be IDW, Ordinary Kriging, Multiple Indicator Kriging, Co kriging, and Co Indicator kriging
  • Independent Technical Reporting to JORC and NI43-101 codes for the reporting of Mineral Resources.


MEC MRE consultants are experienced to sign off as Competent Person and/or Qualified Person for the following mineralisation styles:
  • Vein association and hydrothermal
  • VMS – Volcanogenic massive sulphides
  • Disseminated sulphides
  • Pegmatite associated
  • Orthomagmatic associated with basic and ultrabasic
  • Porphyry
  • Banded iron formations
  • Replacement orebodies
  • Sedimentary
  • Strata bound
  • Cobar style
  • Skarn

The MEC MRE consultants are qualified geologists, and geostatisticians. MEC is able to produce signed off Competent person and Qualified person Mineral Resource estimation Independent technical reports to the following international standards:

  • JORC
  • NI43-10


MEC MRE consultants have experience with the following commodities:
  • Precious metals
  • PGE – Platinum Group
  • Metals
  • REE – Rare earth elements
  • Battery metals
  • Ferrous metals
  • Base metals


MEC have expert users of Mindscape, Deswik, QGIS, Micromine and Vulcan to complete Geological modelling and Mineral resource estimation.

ASX announcements

MRE Completed - Viking Mines Limited

Preliminary Economic Assessment - Viking Mines Limited

Nifty MRE
Cyprium Metals Limited

north Stanmore REE MRE
Victory Metals Limited

Canbelego MRE
Helix Resources Limited

Nifty Heap Reach MRE
Cyprium Metals Limited